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Split Slider — weberix.ru


Heli is coded to be highly responsive. When customers visit your site by small mobile phone or large-screen desktop, they see no difference.

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Designed with minimal inspiration, Heli has much space for you to display your content. Simplicity is the best and this rule works for Heli.

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Getting traffic from the “free,” “organic,” “editorial” or “natural” search results on search engines with seo optimization feature of Heli.

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With custom fonts, icon fonts, and the latest CSS for other stylistic elements, Heli is optimized for high resolution displays.

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With all our creative brains and artistic visions, we bring you the best WordPress theme ever. Begin to kick all other trashy designs and start building your site effortlessly. Come with 30+ stunning Pre-defined Homepages, Heli fits for a range of business such as fashion store, photographer, media agency, web studio, designer, freelancer, entrepreneur, artistic agency.


Be the most creative, innovative, powerful and exquisite theme for all kind of projects, Heli has the level of sophistication you would expect from a crafted product.
Trendy designs and
Designed with minimal inspiration, Heli is simply beautiful with many space for you to display your content. Your messages to customers will be conveyed in the most effective way. At the same time, your site still have a trendy style that dominates other normal sites. Be outstanding and give your visitors a strong impression with the beautiful and trendy Heli.


All your questions and concern are welcome by Heli team. Don't hesitate to send us your messages. We will respond you as fast as we can.